Friday, May 22, 2009

Goldman Sachs - Where our gold keeps flowing.

Well, its very well known that goldman holds billions in taxpayers money what most of us know is about $10 billion as bail out fund. Do you know that they are planning for a whooping bonus and salary hike this year ? You might wonder how its possible when fed put a strong restriction on salary hikes, bonuses and spendings for bailed out banks. Apparantely the cheiftains of goldman sachs cannot survive with these restrictions. They need atleast private jets with rooftop gardens and a retreat for $500,000 to keep themselves motivated. So, they are going to give back $10 billion bail out money back to the federal govt.They wanted blankety-blank federal govt out of their private business. Well, We don't give a rats ass about your private business as long as you repay the bail out money. But how is that possible ? How can you pay back in less than a year? How will they survive ? Did the market change ? Did they make profit ? Nope, nothing happened, its a "BOLD MOVE" ! says Goldman.

BOLD MOVE ? My ass..Why don't you tell people about several lifeboats you are clinging to passed to you by meanies in DC. Here is the fact. When AIG was given $200 billion last year to save it from total fiasco about $12 billion was directly passed to goldman. Also Goldman got about $28 billion in loan from federal deposit and again several billion dollars in loan from federal reserve funds for extremely low intereset rate. Remember, these funds have no strings attached to them as they are not called "BAIL OUT" funds. So, they can spend it as they wish. How was this all possible. Obviously by their top officials like "Hank Paulson" who were/are placed strategically inside the government. Eventhough Hank Paulson was brought down with Bush'e demise , Larry Summers, a top official of goldman sachs was now elected as a chief econimic advisor by Obamas administration to keep our gold flowing into goldman sachs. Good job goldman sachs.

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